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Daily Current Affairs Quiz 7th Nov

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1. Consider the following statements:
1. Tardigrades belong to the same phylum to which bacteria belong;
2. Cryptobiosis is a physiological state in which metabolic activity is reduced to an undetectable
level without disappearing altogether;
3. Tardigrades are known to enter cryptobiosis which allows them to tolerate extreme dryness,
intense radiation and freezing;
4. Lateral gene transfer is the process of genetic material being shared between organisms that
are related by parent and offspring while in horizontal gene transfer genes get transferred
between even not-related species;
Choose the correct option:

2 / 4

2. Consider the following statements:
1. The sun, like earth and other planets, too rotates about its axis;
2. But unlike the earth, the sun has a differential rotation;
3. The period of rotation near its equator is 31.1 days, while at sun spot zone (16°N) it is 29.3
days while at the pole it is 26.5 days;
4. The sun's enormous core temperature of 1 million degrees K leaves all its constituents in a
high-pressure gaseous state called a plasma;
Choose the incorrect option:

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3. First Indian City to win the UN-Shanghai Global Award for Sustainable Development is.....

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4. Chonkus, recently in the news, is a .....

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